May 13, 2024

Good, better, superconnected - Maximizing Startup Potential with Superconnectors

How can you identify a true superconnector? How do you secure access to valuable support? And what role can your Board play in all of this? Learn more in our exclusive interview featuring Pascal Stürchler, the superconnector extraordinaire at the Superconnector Event 2024 in St. Gallen.

Pascal, you mentioned recently that superconnectors are a startup's best friend. What makes a superconnector? What do startups have to look out for?

Being a superconnector goes beyond simply having a large number of contacts. While I boast over 2000 LinkedIn connections, true effectiveness lies in the quality of introductions. Superconnectors specialize in crafting warm introductions, akin to marketing's 'cold,' 'warm,' and 'hot' leads. Hot connections, stemming from extensive experience or friendship, are paramount, as they facilitate seamless introductions and unlock significant opportunities for startups.

"Seek out hot connections: Only those who can introduce you effortlessly, based on deep familiarity, will truly open doors for you."

How can startups effectively connect with individuals possessing 'hot connections’?

I suggest exploring various avenues. The Superconnector event is just one of them. Having a good mentor and well-intentioned investors can also empower startups. At Bloomhaus we really invest time to connect you with the right catalyst and provide support from pre-seed to series A phase. Last but not least, it's also worthwhile for startups to look at their board of directors or an advisory board.

What role can the Board play in this respect?

Many startup founders aim to join the board of directors, often resulting in boards dominated by founders and investors. However, this setup overlooks untapped potential. A more diverse board, comprising individuals with the right expertise and networks, can significantly enhance strategic development and growth. Their diverse insights and connections can open doors to valuable opportunities. Furthermore, strategically granting observer seats to founders or investors can offer additional strategic advantages.

"Boards dominated by founders and investors? This setup overlooks untapped potential."

What should startups consider when putting together the BoD?

Startups should take a strategic approach to the composition of the BoD. They should (1) look at the success factors of their strategy and what will best advance the startup in the current phase. Based on this (2), the founders should work with their lead investors to create a profile for the Board that is as diverse as possible. Only then (3) should they look at who is best suited to the company, who is best networked with which important stakeholder group and who is available. If the focus is more on product-specific topics, this could be covered by external experts on the advisory board.

"Startups should take a strategic approach to the composition of their Board and bring in people who will best advance the company in the current phase"

What other tips do you have?

I see time and again that founders don't approach their network proactively enough. At a board meeting, I recommend making it clear on the very first page what the ask is and where you need help. Because the people in the Board want to help, sometimes you just have to tell them clearly.

"At a Board meeting, I recommend a dedicated page about what the ask is and where you founders need help. This helps maximizing support from Board members."

Many thanks Pascal.

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